Friday, September 5, 2014

Wrong Pronunciation :D :/

It wasn’t BalloonFest ’86, but it still went hilariously wrong. It was my freshman year of high school and also my first year in America. Everything was new to me,the language, the culture and the people. For me, the most difficult part was the language. I can't even speak English because I only learned a few English words before.After listening my story, I think you will understand why speaking is always the hardest part for international students. 
It was the first day, 5th period, World Geography Class. Mrs. Sebesta was our teacher and she asked us to introduce ourselves and think of a place that we like the most with a reason. My place was Maldives because i like "beaches". With everybody looking at me I began: "hello! My name is Yicheng Sun. Y'all can call me Joshua. It is my first year of POP and also America." I thought The introduction went pretty well and it reduced my tension. And then Mrs .Sebesta asked:" where is your favorite place and why?" I responded loud and proud: "my favorite place is Maldives because I  love bi**hes!" Everybody was laughing so hard especially Brock........I knew I pronounced the word "beaches" wrong so I was so embarrassed. It probably is the worst day of my life. 
When I think about right now, it was just a" hilariously wrong "experience. Nothing wrong with it, and at the same time at least I learned how to pronounce two new words currently.


  1. I like your story, since I am one of the International students you mentioned. For me, it is hard to differentiate the pronounciation between r and l, since those two sounds similar in Korean. Reading your story gave me some giggles , because I could empathize.

  2. I love your story, because I feel like everyone has mispronounced something at some point in their life, and made it sound bad. I know I have. But it was really funny what the people in your class thought you said.
